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News > Alumni Reunions > A busy weekend for Reunions

A busy weekend for Reunions

15th & 30th Anniversary Reunions


CC 931

The Sandhurst Trust had a busy weekend in early May hosting two consective reunions in Old College. 

On Friday 10th May members of 19 Pl Rhine Coy CC 092 enjoyed a reunion dinner in the Lord Room, Old College. The event marked the 15th anniversary of their arrival at RMAS.

The following night, Saturday 11th May 2024, members of 3 Pl Inkerman Coy CC 931 were reunited to enjoy a reunion dinner marking the 30th anniversary year of their commissioning. 

The Sandhurst Trust organises over 40 reunions a year at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, hosted in the historic Old College. To find out more please visit the Reunion section of our website.

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Old College, RMAS
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