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News > Alumni Reunions > Trailblazers Reunite: WRAC 4 Celebrates 40 Years Since Historic Sandhurst Event

Trailblazers Reunite: WRAC 4 Celebrates 40 Years Since Historic Sandhurst Event

The Sandhurst Trust recently hosted a momentous occasion at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS), the 40th anniversary reunion of WRAC 4. These trailblazing women carved their names into history by being the first female cadets to be commissioned on a Sovereign’s Parade at RMAS.

The reunion coincided with the Commandant's Parade for Commissioning Course 232, providing an opportunity for the attendees to witness one of the academy’s most prestigious events, for some the first time since their own parade in April 1984.


After the parade, attendees were joined by female officer cadets, Academy staff and the Commandant for lunch in the prestige Indian Army Memorial Room. Speaking at this gathering Major General Zac Stenning declared.

“It’s an incredibly special moment to bring those who come before with those who will serve in the future. And I think just listening to the power of conversation between the alumni members of the course 4 of the WRAC sitting next to the regular commissioning course of 2024 - that's a remarkable span of time. And what's been fascinating to listen to is how much we've progressed, rightly, in terms of our integration of female colleagues into the whole Army, so it’s a really powerful day.”



Attendees returned in the evening for a gala dinner held in the historic setting of the Indian Army Memorial Room, a room steeped in tradition and history. The dinner provided another opportunity for reflection, celebration, and the sharing of personal and collective memories.


The day’s events were designed not only to honour the past but also to provide a bridge to the present, allowing WRAC 4 members to see how their legacy continues in the current traditions of the academy. The history of WRAC 4 women is a remarkable chapter in the history of RMAS.



Women at Sandhurst

Prior to 1984 Women’s Royal Army Corps officers were trained at the WRAC College, Camberley. This was located between Camberley and Bagshot on the site of Collingwood Court, previously used as The Royal Albert Orphan Asylum. On the 18th of October 1981 a parade was held to incorporate the WRAC College as the fourth college of RMAS. The Inspecting Officer was HRH The Duchess of Kent, Controller Commandant of the WRAC.


In the early 1980s, the integration of women into RMAS was a significant and progressive step for the British Army. WRAC 4, the first cohort of female cadets, embarked on this challenging journey with courage and determination. Initially women trained alongside their male counterparts but in separate Platoons and Company’s. Today the training is completely integrated with all roles in the Army open to women.

Read more on the history of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst here.



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